The Master of Science in Operations Research program (30 points) is designed to enable students to concentrate their studies in methodological areas such as mathematical programming, stochastic models, and simulation. The department offers a variety of domain specific courses in areas including logistics, supply chain management, revenue management, financial engineering, risk management, entrepreneurship, and general management.
The MSOR Program requires the completion of 30 points on a full or part time basis. Students may start in the Fall or Spring semesters. The MSOR Program offers six concentrations, including: (1) Financial and Managerial Applications; (2) Business Analytics; (3) Entrepreneurship and Innovation; (4) Logistics and Supply Chain Management; (5) Optimization and (6) Applied Probability.
Columbia University,2016-17 US News综排第5,是一所世界著名的私立研究型大学,属于常春藤盟校之一。
该项目为学生提供商业分析、应用概率、创业与创新等6个方向,除本学院开设的课程外,学生还可以选修哥大商学院、国际公共政策学院和文理学院的课程,为学生扩宽了学习视野。此外,学院在学生学习期间会帮助尽可能发掘和培养学生的专业能力的潜力,为进入专业领域的工作做好准备。从历年统计结果来看,该项目毕业生就业情况良好,2016年,83%的毕业生都在美国就业。因此吸引了大批人才前来竞争申请。这四位同学来自不同的专业,或有背景短板, 或GPA、GT分数和排名上也并不突出。针对四位同学不同的情况背景,天和老师为各人通过指导文书进而深入挖掘他们的学术背景,重点突出了四位同学在相关活动领域突出的学术能力和发展潜力,以及他们对运筹专业浓厚的兴趣。最后在和四位同学的共同努力下,克服重重困难,成功拿下名校offer!