The Master of Science in Information Technology – Software Engineering (MSIT-SE) degree is designed for early-career professionals with less than two years of work experience. The program shares the same core courses as the MSE program, and results in a final real-world capstone project. Considerably smaller than the MSE Studio in scope and size, the MSIT-SE Project affords the student an opportunity to demonstrate what has been learned in the core and elective courses through its practical application in a realistic project setting.
The typical applicant has an undergraduate degree in Computer Science or other scientific or technical discipline, one to two years of industry experience, and has worked on at least one notable project. Recent graduates without a history of formal work experience may apply, although it is highly recommended that they have completed no less than a full-summer internship or one semester of cooperative work in industry.
Carnegie Mellon University简称CMU,坐落在美国宾夕法尼亚的匹兹堡,拥有全美顶级的计算机学院,软件工程专业更是遥遥领先其他名校。CMU在国际软件业界拥有极高的声誉。目前国际软件行业最通用的标准CMM正是由该校软件工程研究院研发并定制的。近年来又推出了CMMI,成为软件行业最新标准。CMU的软件工程研究院作为全球软件学院的楷模,其毕业生大多成为业界精英。
CMU的计算机名校的光环吸引众多有志软件工程的同学申请MSIT-SE。录取过程中,要求申请者提供软件工程项目的经历和参加代码测试。李同学的成绩因为不突出,申请面临相当大的挑战。在困难面前,天和老师和李同学一道,迎难而上。通过自身在本专业多年的申请经验,强化并突出了李同学实际项目中的能力,提升了对于本专业本行业的认知程度。又根据项目录取偏好,在文书方面,下大力气,深入挖掘李同学的项目经历,突出他的相关能力。最终突破重重困难,收获了CMU OFFER!