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祝贺天和学子收获3枚帝国理工MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering OFFER!
发布时间:2018-02-12 19:23

MSc Risk Management and Financial Engineering is a highly quantitative one-year programme, designed to prepare recent graduates for careers in financial engineering and risk management. The programme, which is accredited by the Professional Risk Manager’s International Association (PRMIA), is designed for technically-minded graduates who want a deep, analytical study of risk management and financial engineering.

You will learn how to put the latest academic thinking and business strategies into practice from leading practitioners and world class faculty, giving you a thorough and hands-on understanding of risk management.

Our dedicated Careers and Professional Development Service will work with you to identify and achieve your career goals. The reputation of Imperial College as a top 10 global university combined with our strong corporate connections with global financial institutions, will ensure you present yourself with confidence to the world’s top employers.

During the programme, you will use and have access to Bloomberg terminals, Reuters Eikon, Datastream, Matlab and two bespoke computer labs.

帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)是一所世界顶尖的研究性大学,在学术界有着无与伦比的声望。在2016-2017 QS世界大学排名中名列第9位,英国第4位。帝国理工是G5超级精英大学之一,英国罗素大学集团成员。它作为英国最严格的大学之一,其入学标准也是相当之高。帝国理工的校友中共有14位The Nobel Prize获得者和2位Fields Medal获得者。

MSc Risk Management and Financial Engineering致力于培养在风险管理和金融工程领域有学术性思维,深刻的分析能力,具备领导力的世界一流工作者。能够给学生提供丰富的超顶级校友资源,相关领域世界级企业的合作机会。加上帝国理工大学的顶级名校光环,申请难度不言而喻。虽然面临激烈的竞争,天和老师系统分析每个同学的背景,根据每个同学的特长与不足,制定针对性的有效申请策略。同时老师们利用在风控和金工领域多年的经验,深入挖掘相关经历。从而实现在激烈竞争中脱颖而出,拿下帝国理工OFFER!

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