Whether your goals in getting a master's degree include advancing your career or eventually working toward a Ph.D., Brandeis' computer science program offers in-depth and broad-based scholarly exposure while providing professional training in computer science.
The relatively small size of our graduate program allows our faculty members to give intensive, individualized attention to ensure that students receive rigorous training and mentoring. Student services, including our Career Services office, English as a Second Language support, and graduate student workshops, are designed to provide students with the academic and professional skills needed to excel inside and outside the classroom. Our financial aid, scholarships, and other funding opportunities help students to make the costs of graduate education affordable.
布兰迪斯大学(Brandeis University)位于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿地区,是一所私立顶尖研究型大学,被誉为“全美最年轻的主要研究院大学”,2017 US News排名中位列第34。布兰迪斯大学崇尚小班授课,以培养精英为理念。校园学术氛围极强,非常注重对学生的教育和能力的培养。
Computer Science作为专业性极强的学科,因为就业前景光明,申请的人数逐年增加,竞争日趋激烈,学校通常要求申请者在计算机方面既有扎实的基础,也在专业深度方面有足够的认识。加上布兰代斯大学推崇小班精英教学,使得从汉语专业转申请CS的单同学面临巨大的挑战,天和老师利用丰富转专业申请经验,对单同学进行了背景提升,强化了单同学的专业能力,又根据项目录取偏好,在文书方面突出了单同学的相关水平。在天和老师和单同学的共同努力下,不仅克服了层层阻碍顺利获得Brandies University CS OFFER,并且取得了2W学费减免!