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发布时间:2018-02-12 19:32

The Master in Computational Science and Engineering (MCSE), is a non-thesis degree program offered jointly by the departments of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics in the School of Engineering. The program is designed to provide training and expertise in modern and computational techniques with real-world applications in a wide range of industries. The MCSE graduate degree prepares students interested in technical and managerial positions such as computational scientist, computational engineer and big data analyst, as well as those looking to specialize inhigh-performance computing and software development techniques and scientific data analysis and visualization.

Master of Science in Analytics (MSAN) program delivers a rigorous curriculum focused on mathematical and computational techniques in the emerging field of data science. The curriculum emphasizes the careful formulation of business problems, selecting effective analytical techniques to address those problems and communicating solutions in a clear and creative fashion.

莱斯大学(Rice University)是全美顶级私立大学,美国南方最高学府,世界著名的研究型大学。被称为“新常春藤”院校之一。莱斯大学拥有极高的科研水平,累计科研经费达到1.153亿美元,工程和医学录取率很低,竞争激烈。MCSE专业作为一门工程系学科,注重学生专业知识的教学,培养能够处理实际生产生活中计算机相关问题的人才。毕业生多位计算机科学家,计算机工程师,大数据分析师。校友们活跃在世界各大计算机和软件部门。

乔治城大学(GeorgetownUniversity)是美国最古老的大学之一。2017年US News美国大学排名位列第20名。它拥有“政客乐园”之称,大学更具有国际色彩。MSA的课程注重数理统计,计算机技术,大数据分析等方面。用高效,创新的方法将商业问题模式化,公式化,并加以解决。


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