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祝贺天和学子收获牛津大学MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance OFFER!
发布时间:2018-02-12 19:33

MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance OFFER provides you with a strong mathematical background with the skills necessary to apply your expertise to the solution of real finance problems. You will develop skills so that you are able to formulate a well posed problem from a description in financial language, carry out relevant mathematical analysis, develop and implement an appropriate numerical scheme and present and interpret these results.

The course lays the foundation for further research in academia or for acareer as a quantitative analyst in a financial or other institution.

牛津大学(University of Oxford)是一所誉满全球的世界顶级研究型书院大学,G5超精英大学之一,为英语世界中最古老的大学,培养了大量开创纪元的艺术大师,国家元首,和科学家。牛津大学所体现出来的精神就是,对卓越有绝对的追求,无论是在教学还是科研上,都永远不会安于现状,持续的追求极致。

MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance专业着力培养解决计算金融问题的专家级的洞察力的人才,录取非常十分严格。不光在数学方面有严苛的要求。同时也期望申请者能够对本专业的未来,自身的发展方向有着清晰地认识。并且能够在面试中有出众的表现。天和老师凭借自身丰富的相关申请经验,和同学一起丰富学术背景。并且在文书上突出了S同学的理论水平,实践能力,以及对该领域的深刻见解。最后实现在申请者中脱颖而出,收获了牛津大学MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance OFFER!

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