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发布时间:2018-02-12 19:45

The Berkeley Master of Financial Engineering Program provides you with the knowledge and skills to prepare you for a career in the finance industry. You will be ready to take a leading role in a fast-growing field that demands individuals who can apply their education and skills at the cutting edge of finance in investment banks, commercial banks, and other firms around the world.

When you join the Berkeley MFE Program, you are one year away from turning your specialized training in hedge funds, risk management, derivatives, and commodities investments into a successful career in finance, strategy, or risk assessment. Haas has an unrivaled history of helping students secure top jobs - Berkeley MFE graduates received job offers in each of the previous four years at the highest average starting salary of any similar program. Berkeley MFE alumni are well established members of premier firms in the world's top financial markets, such as New York, London, and Tokyo.

加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(University ofCalifornia, Berkeley),简称伯克利(UCB),是世界著名公立研究型大学、在学术界享有盛誉。2016-17年 US News 世界大学排全球第4名。目前伯克利的教授中共有90位TheNobel Prize得主,13位菲尔兹奖得主。其全美排名第七的著名Hass商院里金融工程专业更是排名第一。因为其傲人的业界声誉和就业率,UCB的金融工程是众多想学习该专业同学的Dream School。

UCB金融工程专业要求学生在数学基础课程方面有扎实的功底,同时有一定的项目经历。该项目与众多企业保持长期合作关系,毕业生在工作方面有着得天独厚的资源优势,申请竞争十分激烈, 基本不招收应届毕业生。周同学作为本科商学院的金融经济专业,欠缺数理课程,项目经历不占优势,申请面临了巨大的挑战。针对这一点,天和老师凭借自身扎实的专业知识,运用多年的行业经验,根据录取委员会的录取偏好对周同学进行系统背景提升,突出周同学运用金工知识解决实际问题的的能力,与同学一起精心打造申请Essay和两轮面试,最终拿下Dream OFFER!

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