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与你相遇的幸运!祝贺央财学子斩获Chicago MPP offer!
发布时间:2018-02-12 20:30

Comprised of a core curriculum and electives in a variety of areas of focus, the two-year MPP is a professional degree program designed for students who wish to gain a thorough training in public policy skills and issues.

Core Courses
The core curriculum draws on a variety of disciplines and fields, including economics, sociology, political science, statistics, econometrics, political economy, organizational theory, and program evaluation. These areas provide a foundation in critical analysis, reflecting the School's belief that mastering quantitative and analytical skills prepares students to be effective public policy practitioners.

The required core courses are:
1.Analytical Politics I: Strategic Foundations
2.Analytical Politics II: The Policymaking Process (domestic and international offerings)
3.Statistical Methods for Policy Research I & II
4.Principles of Microeconomics and Public Policy  I & II
5.Decisions and Organizations

芝加哥大学位于美国国际金融中心芝加哥,是世界著名私立研究型大学,且常年位列各个大学排行榜世界前十,2016-17年,芝大在USNews本科排名中位列全美第3名。Chicago MPP项目录取的应届生人数很少,且大陆录取的学生人数也非常少,该项目去年在央财只录取了1人,录取的该学生背景是TOEFL118,GRE335;国内更偏向于清北的学生。该项目很看重专业成绩的GPA,对于数学、统计学等重点科目成绩要求很高,并且对于TOEFL和雅思的分数基准也很高;该项目对学生的硬件和软件实力要求都很高,所以申请的难度也非常大。刘同学是转专业申请该项目,且她的数学方面成绩比较薄弱,这就更加大了申请的难度。天和老师根据该项目录取委员会的录取偏好,为刘同学量身打造了背景提升,指导了她选修统计和数学等方面的课程,并且指导了她实习的安排,让她的实习经历丰富并且有专业的针对性,通过对简历文书的创作和指导进一步体现出刘同学对公共政策的深刻认识和潜在的发展。通过精心的准备和共同的努力,最后帮助刘同学克服重重阻碍,成功获得女神校Chicago MPP OFFER!

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