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绽放最好的青春!祝贺上外学子斩获Duke Biostatistics Offer!
发布时间:2018-02-12 20:35

As biomedical research becomes increasingly quantitative and complex, a need exists for individuals who possess exceptional analytic skills, a strong foundation in human biology, and the ability to effectively communicate statistical principles to multi-disciplinary research teams. Demand is particularly high for individuals formally trained in biostatistics.

Biostatisticians work as collaborative scientists, providing expertise in the statistical methods that form the evidential basis of modern biomedical research. Whether it's uncovering the genetic origins of disease, determining optimal drug therapies for patients, or studying the strategies to reduce health care costs without compromising the quality of patient care - biostatisticians engage in intellectually stimulating projects focused on the improvements of human health.

Duke University Medical Center is a world-class medical research institution that provides the ideal setting for training biostatisticians to gain exposure to state-of-the-art biostatistical methodology in the context of cutting edge science research. Our program ensures that Duke graduates are not only prepared for today's science, but will also be well-positioned to tackle tomorrow's challenges.

Duke's Master of Biostatistics Program is unique in its balanced focus on three core competencies: analysis, biology, and communication. All faculty members in the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at Duke are actively engaged in research, with projects collectively spanning a broad array of biomedical research areas. The faculty practice exactly what they teach and are dedicated to ensuring that students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as biostatisticians.

杜克大学被公认为是当今世界一流的高等教育机构之一,2016年USNews美国大学本科排名将杜克大学列为全美第八,在美国南部居于首位,其医学院名列美国前十。Duke Master of Biostatistics项目是两年制的学位,对学生的专业课要求很高,要求学生的数学课程包括多变量微积分和生物科学,尤其重视线性代数课程的成绩要求,入学学生必须具备良好的数学和科学背景。该项目需要3封推荐信,倾向于申请人的推荐人有代表申请专业特别是生物医学研究的学术专家的推荐。因此该项目的申请难度很大,在大陆的录取率也很低,周同学本科是国际金融贸易类专业,转专业申请杜克生物统计学的难度更是可想而知。幸运的是,周同学有一定的数理背景,虽然在生物医学研究领域方面的经验比较欠缺,但是天和老师在文书上深入地挖掘了他的研究经历,重点突出了张同学的数理处理能力,以及他对生物学、医学的浓厚兴趣及工作能力,突出周同学对生物统计领域方面的独特见解和深刻认识,最后在共同努力下,最后帮助周同学突出重围,成功获得Dream School Duke Biostatistics OFFER!

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