The Master of Science in Information Security (MSIS) degree offers a technical focus in security and computer systems, further developed through research opportunities. Graduates may pursue doctoral degrees orobtain positions as security experts equipped to manage the emerging complexities associated with securing data, networks and systems.
Pittsburgh is quickly becoming the nation's next great innovation hub, with top companies like Google, Uber, Disney and Facebook expanding to the Steel City. Over the two-year MSIS program, students immerse themselves in campus life at Carnegie Mellon and the rich, cultural experience of living in Pittsburgh. In addition to a customizable curriculum, there is ample opportunity to participate in research/development projects through campus partnerships with organizations like CyLab, the largest university-based cyber security and privacy research and education institute in the U.S.
卡内基梅隆大学2017年USNews美国大学排名位列第24名,其计算机学院和工学院在美国名列前茅。CMU MSIS项目招生对象一般为电气、计算机工程、计算机科学或相关技术领域的学生,还需要本科课程中有数据结构的课程,要求熟练使用C语言编程,因此该项目对学生的专业课成绩要求非常高,且特别注重学生的学术背景和在工业或商业方面的工作经验。对学生的学术成就很看重,要求简历中包括学术研究和工业经验的研究经历和出版物列表,或者有任何同行评审的研究出版物等要求。对学生的语言成绩包括GRE、TOEFL、雅思的要求都很高。因此申请该项目的难度非常大,在该项目就读的大陆学生绝大多数来源于国内重点高校的高材生,而且每年录取的学生人数也非常少。G同学的本科专业对她的申请有一定的优势,但G同学的专业课成绩稍显平淡,天和老师根据G同学的实际情况进行了全面的指导,在背景提升上丰富了G同学的学术背景和相关的工作经验,在文书的指导上突出G同学的科研能力以及对该项目领域的深刻见解,巧妙地对G同学的背景进行扬长避短,凸显出她在学术领域的研究潜力。最后在共同的努力下,成功帮助G同学成功拿下了她梦寐以求的dream school offer!