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璀璨WE来!祝贺天和学子获得Berkeley IEOR Offer!
发布时间:2018-02-12 20:47

Taking place at the forefront of today’s tech world requires more than technical expertise. It demands the management and business acumen to lead. Become that groundbreaking engineer by joining us here in the heart of Silicon Valley.

UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering master of engineering program combines breadth of topics in business and engineering management applied to depth of study in your technical concentration.

Together with a select student cohort, you will gain the management skills necessary to lead a complete spectrum of technology ventures. As a cross-disciplinary community of peers, this cohort ultimately forms a broad network of professional colleagues that you will be able to connect with throughout your entire career. These networks are reinforced through career advising and placement, access to alumni and industry connections, and other services.

UC Berkeley,是世界著名公立研究型大学、在学术界享有盛誉。2016-17年 ARWU世界大学学术排全球第3名,2016-17年 US News 世界大学排全球第4名,2016-17年 THE 泰晤士世界大学排全球第10名。

该项目需要申请人本科有工程或相关的科学?C或有数学学科的专业背景。该项目历年来都更倾向于GPA高和GRE/TOEFL成绩高的尖子生,而且由于伯克利大学的工程类专业排名世界第3,因此吸引了世界许多名校专业大牛申请该项目,竞争也十分激烈,录取难度很高。这六位同学基本上都属于转专业申请该项目,既有专业背景短板,且GPA和GT分数不占优势的情况下,得到了该项目录取委员会的青睐。天和的专业申请老师毕业于UC Berkeley,因此深谙该校此项目录取委员会的录取偏好,且有多年留美工作经验和申请的专业经验,并在工程领域的申请一直保持着专业的申请优势。天和老师针对这六位同学各自不同的情况,给他们制定了每个人独特而又全面的背景提升计划,通过指导文书进而深入挖掘他们的学术经历,重点突出了六位同学在相关活动领域突出的研究能力和发展潜力,以及他们对工程专业浓厚的兴趣。并通过对申请材料的指导体现出六位同学在工程领域方面的独特见解和深刻的学术认知,最后在共同的努力下帮助六位同学克服重重困难,成功拿下梦寐以求的Berkeley IEOR Offer!

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