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托福94收获UCLA MS in MSE录取
发布时间:2018-02-12 21:22

At the heart of materials science is an understanding of the microstructure of solids. “Microstructure” is used broadly in reference to solids viewed at the subatomic (electronic) and atomic levels, and the nature of the defects at these levels. The microstructures of solids at various levels, especially the defects, profoundly influence the mechanical, electronic, chemical, and biological properties of solids. The phenomenological and mechanistic relationships between the microstructure and the macroscopic properties of solids are, in essence, what the materials science is all about. This is best represented by the “materials science triangle”: synthesis-microstructure-properties. 

Materials engineering, on the other hand, is concerned with the design, fabrication, and testing of engineering materials. Such materials must fulfill simultaneously the dimensional properties, quality control, and economic requirements. Because the science of materials branches into other fields of study, the department offers joint fields of study in collaboration with other departments. A degree specializing in electronic materials is offered which provides a broad-based background in materials science, with the opportunity to specialize in semiconducting materials used in electronic and optoelectronic devices. The program incorporates several courses in electrical engineering in addition to those in the materials science curriculum. 

University of California,Los Angeles是位于美国洛杉矶的一所公立研究型大学,是美国申请人数最多的大学。近年来在美国公立大学排名中高居第二名,2017年US News全球大学排名中位列第10,并且有16位The Nobel Prize获得者。

该校的材料科学与工程专业在美国排名靠前,研究方向为现在火热的光电材料,结构材料,陶瓷材料等,同时申请人数众多,导致竞争十分激烈。由于该专业对于学生的学术水平要求很高,需要学生有扎实的理论基础,过硬的实验能力。同时还要有问题意识,能够敏锐的洞察出现象与本质的联系。所以对于成绩方面,学校审查十分严格。王同学的GPA为82.4,GPA并不算高。TOEFL成绩为94,也不尽人意。这些综合情况,使得王同学的申请困难重重。但是天和老师与他一起,迎难而上,运用自身在该领域多年的丰富专业知识和申请经验,在文书方面深入挖掘,根据学校的项目特点,突出了王同学的相关专业能力。从而克服重重困难,帮助他拿到了Dream Offer!

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