祝贺天和学子收获Imperial College London MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering Offer!
·排名60%,雅思7,GMAT 710
Imperial College London(帝国理工学院)
帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)成立于1907年。位于英国伦敦,是一所世界顶尖的专攻理工,医学和商学的研究型大学,在世界学术界有着极高的声望。帝国理工是英国罗素大学集团成员,又与剑桥大学、牛津大学、伦敦大学学院、伦敦政治经济学院并称为“G5超级精英大学”,研究水平被公认为英国大学的五强之列,尤其以工程专业而著名。
在2018 QS世界大学排名中名列第8位;在2018泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education)世界大学排名中名列第8位。
MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering
MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering is a highly quantitative one-year programme, designed to prepare recent graduates for careers in financial engineering and risk management. The programme, which is accredited by the Professional Risk Manager’s International Association (PRMIA), is designed for technically-minded graduates who want a deep, analytical study of risk management and financial engineering.
全面的课程体系:学生在正式开始项目学习之前,可以参加在线的学前预备课程(Pre-study modules),为正式学习做好准备。项目正式开始后,学生可以通过5门基础课程了解现代金融工具,并通过6门核心课程以及一门VBA课程得到系统化的训练,并掌握定量金融模型中涉及的技术。此外,该项目还提供丰富的选修课可供选择,学生也需要进行应用或研究项目。
丰富的软件设备:Risk Management & Financial Engineering students have access to the following software facilities: Bloomberg, Reuters Eikon, Datastream, Matlab and Computer labs: Two school computer labs with designated printers.
课外活动丰富: During the Spring term, you may choose to attend workshops in Visual Basic and C++ programming. You will learn how VBA and/or C++ can be applied to key finance problems such as Monte Carlo simulations, value-at-risk and option pricing. In the spring or summer term, we also offer an optional course in trading strategies which is designed to introduce students from the our Finance Master’s programmes to the trading and investment strategies used by mutual fund managers and hedge fund managers.
据学校数据显示,2016级毕业生毕业后就业率达到90%,就职企业包括:中国银行(Bank of China)、巴克莱银行(Barclays)、贝莱德(BlackRock)、瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)、德勤(Deloitte)、毕马威(KPMG)等。职位包括:精算分析师、商业分析师、信用风险分析师、投资经理等。
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