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发布时间:2019-04-04 17:49






杜克大学(Duke University)创建于1838年,坐落于美国北卡罗来纳州的达勒姆,占地近9000英亩,是一所世界顶级的研究型大学全美最优秀的大学之一。相比美国传统常春藤盟校的佼佼者,杜克大学虽然历史较短,但无论是教学质量还是学术水平,都能与常春藤名校相抗衡,在多个国家发布的大学排名中名列前十。截至2018年,杜克大学共拥有13名诺贝尔奖获得者和3名图灵奖获得者。







M.S. in Quantitative Financial Economics


杜克大学的M.S. in Quantitative Financial Economics(MQFE)项目全球每年拟招生7-10人, 属于小而精的项目,强调学术深度和严谨性。适合将来打算读金融博士或者进入量化金融分析的业界的同学。该项目的课程包括波动率模型,高频数据分析,金融连续量化模型,以及其他杜克的金融经济的专业课程。另外选课也给学生提供很大的自由度,学生不仅可以选择研究生的课程,同时也可以选择博士生的课程,因此可以根据自己的职业或学术生涯规划自己的课程。


The M.S. in Quantitative FinancialEconomics (MQFE) is designed for students who are seeking the greater depth andrigor that are increasingly required by advanced academic programs, as well asin the private sector. If your goal is to prepare yourself and improve yourcandidacy for a Ph.D. program in finance at a top business school, then this isthe program for you. Equally, if you would like to improve your skills inquantitative financial analysis to enter, or move to the next level, in yourcareer in finance, our program can help you to achieve this goal. This programis unique in offering advanced courses in volatility modeling, analysis ofhigh-frequency data, and continuous time finance, as these are areas ofexpertise within the financial economics group at Duke.


Students' course selections are based ontheir specific interests and on recommendations made by their academic advisorsin order to meet their longer-run goals. In addition to taking a variety ofmaster's-level courses, students with sufficient preparation will be encouragedto enroll in a combination of doctoral-level courses in financial economics andfinancial econometrics. The curriculum can be completed in either three or foursemesters. Throughout their participation in the program, students compile a portfoliothat tracks their academic growth and showcases their accomplishments. Theportfolio is composed of research papers, presentations, and other professionaldocuments. It serves as a valuable tool for applying both to jobs and doctoralprograms.



M.S. in Quantitative Financial Economics(MQFE)还属于STEM专业,留学生可以获得两年的OPT!对留学生来说可以大大增加留美实习和工作的机会



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